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Not All Heroes Wear Cape

Sakinah Medical Outreach is supporting the needy by providing medical assistance and free quality health care in Nigeria. Support us to touch more lives. It’s a new year and everyone deserves a new happy beginning. Can we count on you to give hope of a new beginning to a family

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Good Medical Care is About Life! It’s about life! Your life and the lives of people you don’t know–there are thousands of people who are deprived of quality health care services living in Nigeria. The holiday seasons is about giving, giving to life. About renewal and growth, about giving hope

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Asalam Alaykum Waramotullahi Wabarakhatuh, There are thousands around the country who – in a split second – are launched into total darkness due to preventable or avoidable visual problems. Sakinah Medical Outreach has been giving love and hope to Nigerians since 2009. With about 568 beneficiaries at the Sakinah medical

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Asalam Alaykum Waramotullahi Wabarakhatuh, The holiday season is around the corner, and we invite you to kick it off with us on #GivingTuesday! #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving back. On 27th of November, millions of people all over the world are going to show their support for their favorite nonprofit during #GivingTuesday. Your support will

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